why don’t you: just dye it…

while at a client’s home last week – we were purging the closet…and came upon a blouse that the client really loved…but it had a stain that couldn’t be removed…so obviously…she wasn’t wearing it…but couldn’t part with it…as it was one of her favorites… so i say…”why don’t you dye it?” the client was pretty […]

why don’t you: change out your buttons…

let’s face it…sometimes we have a coat or a sweater in our closet…that is in perfect condition…but we are just bored with it…what can be done? well surely…we don’t discard of it…especially if it is still in great condition…and a perfect fit…a quick fix update…is to change out the buttons…the great thing…is that you could […]

introducing…why don’t you…

when it comes to fashion…my brain never shuts off…i may be with a friend…or client…and i see an item…and immediately will start spouting off the different scenarios in which said item could be worn…and with what…and where… while i have tried to tame it at times…sometimes i’m given the green light to continue…case in point…i […]