color inspiration: a mixed bouquet…

sometimes i think my blog should be all about color…since i tend to gravitate to that subject…i just love finding pics of different color combinations that inspire me to create new outfits… some of my clients have a hard time putting together colors…i always advise them to look at things that make them happy…whether it […]

color inspiration: citrus me out…

yellow is such a happy color for me…while it is a hard shade to wear for some…including me…but just that a color doesn’t work with your specific coloring…don’t let that sway you…there are always ways to work around it… such as…wearing it away from your face…adding it in a fun accessory… seeing this picture…made me […]

when pink meets orange…

in yesterday’s blog post…i posted a color inspiration pic of pink meeting orange…today i wanted to show you different ways to put these two colors together… this first pic is color blocking at its best…by putting several bold colors together…of course my eye caught the pink & orange combination…she looks sharp and well put together… […]

color inspiration: pink meets orange…

when i first saw this picture…it just made me smile…one of my favorite color combinations…but one that is not seen that often…pink meets orange…does it not scream spring to you? I always tell my clients…look for color inspiration in pictures…in nature…actually wherever you might be…when you see colors together that invoke a certain feeling…try to […]