have you ever had that moment where you realize that something keeps showing up…over and over in different ways?
it must mean something…right? at which point does the light go on…and you stop and think…hmm…this is happening a lot…
such was the case for this color combination of coral & turquoise…i have been seeing this color combo so often…and every time i would see it…i would think…i need to do an outfit with those colors…so today…it came up again…and it was this lovely pic that stopped me in my tracks…there is something so calming about this color scheme…for me…
and i knew that i had seen it over and over…and while i started perusing my pinterest boards…i came across this pic…which…surprise surprise…same color combination…i remember pinning this…because:
a: i loved the combination of colors…
b: i have these same flats…
how many ways will i be getting this subliminal message that i need a pair of teal or turquoise pants? it’s time…don’t you think?
do you have a color scheme that you keep seeing…and are meaning to try out? share with us in the comments section!