why don’t you: just dye it…

while at a client’s home last week – we were purging the closet…and came upon a blouse that the client really loved…but it had a stain that couldn’t be removed…so obviously…she wasn’t wearing it…but couldn’t part with it…as it was one of her favorites… so i say…”why don’t you dye it?” the client was pretty […]

walking on grass…

have you ever found yourself at a garden party…or maybe a wedding…and you are dressed up…feeling great with your outfit…especially your shoes…and you find yourself with a dilemma…you will need to walk across grass…and you are wearing your high heels…and all you could think of is…great…my heels will be digging into this grass…you can try […]

my latest treasure find…

while thrifting is therapeutic for me…i do have friends that tease me…as i am on a mission to find those beautiful discarded vintage pieces…the ones that…once they are gone…they are gone…they tease me…saying “do you think you are going to save every vintage piece?” to which of course…i know the answer…but if i can save […]

black & white done right…

my beautiful sasha…showing a great mixture of black & white…this moment could not have been more perfect…is it any wonder he belongs to me? i’ve always said…if you are thinking of trying out mixing patterns…one of the easiest ways to try it…is with a black & white theme…try stripes, polka dots…paisley…whatever you have in your […]

the suitcase that called out my name…

don’t you love those unexpected moments that happen? not planned…but things just work out right…now of course…it sounds like i’m about to recall a fabulous memory with friends…or an unexpected visitor…but no…i’m speaking about a great find…that happened while shopping for a client… while i knew that i was in need of a new suitcase…it […]