fashion funnies: click your heels…
if only it were that easy…right? enjoy your weekend! photo source
if only it were that easy…right? enjoy your weekend! photo source
the reason why i love what i do… “I will soon be transitioning out of the role of bedside RN to consultant, and I knew the biggest stress of my day was going to be deciding what to wear each morning. My faithful scrubs were boring, but at least I didn’t need to think about […]
a girlfriend sent me this article the other day…“dressing casual at work: does it matter?“ written by alan vinson…who is a custom clothier and men’s clothing designer…first of all…bravo alan for writing such a great piece… don’t get me wrong…there is nothing wrong with dressing casual for work…if that is what your job allows…but i […]
do you have that one pair of shoes that just demands attention? when i purchased my cute pair of striped kate spade pumps…never did i think they would garnish the attention that they do… i bought them…because i loved them…what’s not to love? stripes & bows…lovely combination in my book… but now…they have become quite […]
how can these colors not make you smile? if i could find a scarf with these same colors…i would be thrilled… paired with a simple white tee…and jeans…the scarf in these colors would bring such vibrancy to a regular old outfit… plus…they are such happy colors! how would you wear these colors? photo source – […]