fashion funnies: be careful where you sit…
enjoy the weekend! photo source – unknown
enjoy the weekend! photo source – unknown
yesterday i had the pleasure of meeting my newest client lois…a referral from my esthetician…lois is 80 years young…to say i am a wee bit excited to work with lois…is an understatement…while i love doing what i do…helping men & women create a personal style that works for them…lois tugged at my heart… most of […]
while in one of my client’s closet the other day…i started putting together a black & blue ensemble…when i heard my client say…”hmmm…i thought that you are not supposed to wear those two colors together…” oh those rules that have plagued us for so many years… right along there with “don’t wear white after labor […]
one of the easiest ways to make an outfit unique…is by the accessories you wear…now while it is easy to add a necklace or bracelet…the fun part comes when you start being the mix master… i have chosen four different pics to show how the idea of mixing can really change up an outfit…and how […]
we as women…wear many hats…we are mothers, wives, sisters, daughters & friends…and we sometimes…if not to often…put ourselves last on the list…and when it comes to our wardrobe…we settle for whatever is the closest item to us…or even…what we wore yesterday… now while this isn’t everyone’s situation…i have spoken to countless women who think of […]