blame it on the rain…

ok…i’ll admit it…i don’t much like the rain…unless of course…i am inside…and staying put…but there are those days that i must venture out…in the rain…as has been these last few weeks…we have had an enormous amount of downpours in the bay area…almost enough for me to think i need to add a nice pair of […]

holiday golden shoes…

so what could be better then dipping your feet in a little bit of gold for the holiday season?  now of course…i think that gold should be worn other times as well…but for sure during this festive time…so as i have been showing off some of the lovelies in the fabulous finds consignment boutique this […]

put a topper on it…

the cloche hat…an ode to the 1920’s…old hollywood glam… talk about adding a bit of chic to your outfit… a fun trend…and added bonus…as it will save you on a bad hair day… the great thing about these toppers…is that you can still play into your sense of style…whether you are about  classic color & […]