men’s corner: get your shine on…

let’s face it…women have an abundance of choices when it comes to putting a little bit of spark to an outfit…especially for the holidays…but men…this is the perfect time to put a little “shine” to your outfit as well… what better way then a nice pair of patent leather shoes? the look is polished, clean […]

you had me at hello: dot love…

if someone were to ask me what appeals to me more…leopard or polka dots or stripes…i would have to say…”how can you choose?” if would be like asking me which cat i love more…although i have two beauties…both so different from the other…i just couldn’t choose… now…i know i know…we are comparing…in this case…handbags to […]

have you been lately?

…to the fabulous finds consignment boutique? i received an email from a customer the other day… “i swear it was only 2 weeks that i didn’t check your boutique…i can’t believe all the new items” well…believe it…i am usually adding items daily…so for those who have forgotten…for those who never knew…for those who haven’t taken […]

hello clutch…

“how about clutching it?” was one of my posts back in 2010…click on the link if you’d like to see my top clutch purses…that i use quite frequently… seems they haven’t gone away yet…and although i will never be completely ready to say goodbye to my purse…clutches are they way to go…when you don’t want […]