birthday surprise…

so one of the great things about being owner of “the savvy chic event” boutique…is that i get to see all the inventory when it first comes in…and one of the bad things about being owner of “the savvy chic event“…is that i get to see all the inventory when it first comes in…that being […]

the classic pump…

i am all for buying those outrageous…impractical…bold shoes…believe me…my closet is proof of that…and most of the time…what i hear is…”i don’t know how you can walk in those”…but…despite my love for the outragous…the impractical (in other’s eyes) and the bold…i believe that every woman should own at least one black pair of a classic […]

nothing to wear…

have you ever stood in front of a full closet and…without hesitation…thought…”i have nothing to wear!”? how is it that so many women can look so well put together every time you see them? and yet…there you stand…perplexed…in front of that “full” closet… there truly are simple and practical strategies…tips and tricks…the key to dressing […]