when things should be left alone…

back in january i posted an article “ugg teams up with jimmy choo” on my fabulous finds facebook page announcing the announcement of the collaboration of jimmy choo & uggs…i remember back then…i felt pretty much how i feel now…why? i have never hid my dislike for uggs…but again…it is just not for me…jimmy choo […]

how about clutching it?

so you’ve been running around all day…with your big handbag…on a side note…do you notice how they seem to get bigger and bigger?? which is great for lugging things around…but not so much on the back…if you know what i mean =) but back to my intro…so you’re running around town…and then it’s time to […]

the speedy…revamped…

ok…i still remember the feeling when i got my very first louis vuitton “speedy”…given to me as a gift by a dear dear friend…i think he was a little taken back by my squeal… =) you know…it’s the little things…i thought i would wear that thing out as much as i used it…but interestingly enough…the […]

men’s corner: the fedora…

…has made quite the splash this summer…it truly is a great look on both men & women…but since today is all about you men…let’s focus… made from woven straw, hemp or wool…there is a fedora style for every season…and since we are in the heat of summer…what better way to stay cool and look chic! […]

the cocktail ring…

one of my fashion tidbits just happens to be…”the cocktail ring…size does matter! the bigger the better…the cocktail ring is meant to make a statement…” on a day to day basis…the one piece of jewelry you will almost always find on me…is…the fabulous cocktail ring…ladies…it is not just for cocktail parties…wear them with everything & […]