closet clean out 101…

call it what you want…closet clean out…closet audit…purging session…the thought of cleaning out the closet…or a chest of drawers…for a lot of people is not a fun event…and for many…it can be overwhelming…but if you are not ready for a professional wardrobe consultant to come in and help you…here are some easy steps to get […]

exchanging bad habits for good habits…

truth be told…we all have a few bad habits…and we know that a habit is formed by doing something over and over…so think about your bad habits…the way to get rid of them…is to replace them with another habit…a good habit… in my newsletter last month…i used it as a time to reflect on the […]

i have nothing to wear…

one of the most famous lines spoken…by those who are wealthy…and those on a strict budget…”i have nothing to wear”…heck…if we are being honest…i have said those words…on countless occasions…the thing is…these words are usually spoken while looking into a closet that is full of clothes… so what gives? the bottom line…one thing needs to […]

going through the accessories…

while i post a lot about going through your closets…and going through your drawers…quite often…as i feel that it is a necessity…not only to remind you of what you have…those items that you haven’t worn…because they have somehow moved to the farthest recesses of your closet… same goes for accessories… i recently quickly perused through […]