men’s corner: men in tights…

did the title get your attention?  an article written in the…posted back in december…quite an article title:  men in tights: how ‘meggings” are taking fashion by storm”…written by tom teodorczuk…click on the title if you’d like to read the whole article…i have to say…the only thing that sort of got my attention was the […]

men’s corner: the art of shoe shining…

while i am always harping on how shoes can make or break an outfit…i have to take it one step further…while you may be sporting a great pair of shoes…if they are scuffed…and dull…that great pair of shoes…doesn’t look so great… found this wonderful video by the wonderful mr. porter…so remember men…make sure your shoes […]

men’s corner: color matters…

a recent article in gq magazine titled “what you can learn from the most opinionated man in fashion” gives pointers from designer michael kors…starting with self tanner to turtlenecks…click on the article link above for all his pointers… what resonated with me…was his point titled ‘lastly, know thyself’…michael says…“play to your strengths.  if you have sandy […]

men’s corner: shine them shoes…

it happened again the other day…not the first time…and unfortunately…i’m sure it won’t be the last time…there i was…in the elevator…the door opened up…and this man walks in…impeccably dressed…i mean…perfection…that is…until i looked at his shoes…they were dull……unpolished…and scuffed… this is travesty!  ok…maybe a slight exaggeration there…but seriously…shoes can make or break the outfit…and although […]