put together: different tones of same color…

“the clash” as lucky magazine so eloquently called it in the november 2010 issue…this is as put together in color as you can get…something you would try? i’m thinking i’m going to give it a go… “layering different tones of the same palette has a graphically modern appeal…mix and match solid blocks of rich color […]

put together: mismatch your prints…

flipping through my august 2010 instyle magazine…got to page 248…and well…just stopped…and truly took a moment to admire this very well put together ensemble… i know…i know…it’s not for everyone…but it really does work…veronica etro, head of etro womenswear design…gives her tips to make the look work…”pair a bold, decorative pattern, such as loud florals, […]

put together: in black & white…

nothing is more classic & beautiful to me…then a simple black & white outfit…this beautifully put together ensemble was in one of the nordstrom catalogs…all in st. john…so simple…yet so elegant…all at the same time… the scanned page doesn’t do the outfit justice…this is such an easy outfit to re-create…and is an excellent “go-to” when […]

put together: hats off to unexpected pairing…

new addition to fabulous finds blog…we are adding “put together” which will be random posts either of outfits found in magazines, on the street, etc…of fabulous put together looks… the first of this new series was taken from the january 2010 issue of town & country…i remember when i turned the page and saw this […]