the last day of 2010…

well here we are…the last day of 2010…and the last day of yet another decade…phew…time sure does fly…and my year ended with a “stylish blogger award” which i am SO excited about…and will write more about it next week… this is the time of year…that most…are thinking back on the year…some are kissing it good-bye…others…well…just […]

the closet with multiple personalities…

have you ever considered how many personalities you have hanging in your closet? many women today juggle motherhood…careers…community service…and social calendars like seasoned circus performers… i went over to my girlfriends house last week to help her out a bit…she was telling me that she spent so much time “hanging out” in her closet…and felt […]

nothing to wear…

have you ever stood in front of a full closet and…without hesitation…thought…”i have nothing to wear!”? how is it that so many women can look so well put together every time you see them? and yet…there you stand…perplexed…in front of that “full” closet… there truly are simple and practical strategies…tips and tricks…the key to dressing […]

making the list…

as i’m always mentioning…it is important to “shop in your closet” – especially if you have a huge closet…packed with clothes…that you don’t wear…what could be better then some free shopping? make it a habit to work in new outfits with your existing pieces… another reason though…for shopping in your closet…is that by creating outfits […]


…whether it’s the holy grail of pants…that perfect pair of jeans…or just a well-tailored pair of grey flannel slacks…pants that flatter the body are often hard to find…so when you come across some that fit…remember who made them…what the style was…and where you got them..chances are you’ll be back for more… we expect pants not […]