sentimental reasons…

in all my years of helping clients make sense of their closet…i think the one reason for not letting go of something…that makes me smile…is…sentimental reasons…so you have a t-shirt from every concert you went to since 1978…you don’t wear any of them…but you can’t let them go because of sentimental reasons? hmmm…i’m thinking…why?? why […]

transitioning into fall…

one of the most difficult moments for a lot of my clients is the transitioning period between seasons…of course dependant on where you live…it varies…here in the san francisco bay area…we are just starting to have some really good summer weather…and it is mid september…and most likely we will continue to have beautiful sunny weather…sometimes […]

fall cleaning…

i have to tell you…perusing through my september fashion magazines is getting me pretty excited for fall…which…on the one hand…surprises me…because i tend to want to hold on to the warmer weather…but the fall clothes…they are calling out to me…almost…but not quite to the point that i’m wanting colder weather… phew…did i just say that?? […]

top 3 do-not’s of shopping…

so it does not matter if you are shopping high-end…thrifting…online…or at the mall…here are my top 3 “do-nots” while shopping…in the long run…it will save you a closet full of “nothing to wear” and a whole lot of money…trust me… do not…buy an item because it is the latest trend…drives me crazy when i hear […]

how to edit…

…your closet… first and foremost……with yourself…that being said…i am not one who gets rid of a piece because i haven’t worn it in a year…or two…some pieces…i know i will eventually wear again…they just go through the clothing cycle less frequently…but…i am honest with myself in that…if i am a size 8…i do not have […]