black + color = drama…

yesterday i was on a black theme…why wear black? is there such a thing as too much black? for me…black is a great palette from which to start…and in a simple math equation…black + color = drama… one of my first posts was about a pop of color…and when i bought those luscious purple suede […]

why black?

as i have been diligently cleaning out my “very” full closet…i noticed that i have a lot of black…and…i hear the majority of my clients say…either…”i have too much black” or “all i wear is black” so what is our draw to black? i have asked several people why they are drawn to black…with many […]

what am i saying?

clothes talk, even when we don’t…they speak volumes about us…it’s hard to assemble a wardrobe and communicate personal style without understanding its elements…the color, fabric, pattern, and texture of what we wear can hint at the most subtle aspects of our lives… white, satin, fishnet – all are loaded with different meanings… why do we […]

color me red…

so just last nite…i woke up in the middle of the nite…3:13 a.m…to be exact…and thought…we have this incredible color group for spring 2010 called metropolitan ambitions…and how appropiate with it being february…the month that holds valentine’s day…to have a color group filled with red… so…in honor of valentine’s day…i say…treat yourself to something red […]

what will your mark be?

as our quest continues for finding our personal style…i ask you…what do you feel good in? you will ask more of your clothes than you would in a spouse…you will demand that they make you feel pretty, and witty…and why? because you can! you may wear a perfectly cut suit like a coat of armor […]