september issue 2015…

september is like january for fashion…so it would be no surprise that the fashion magazines would be bigger than usual…this is usually the month that i’m sure my mailman is not to thrilled with delivering my mail…believe me…these are heavy…ranging anywhere from 800 to 900 pages a piece…yeah…heavy… while i better get started on my […]

back to reality…

i’ve just gotten back from the aici (association of image consultants) international conference…and this pic is the result of what 2 image consultants packed for the trip…of course when i originally posted it…my questions was…which of these will most likely not be worn?  and we were correct in our assumption of that… while the conference […]

why don’t you: just dye it…

while at a client’s home last week – we were purging the closet…and came upon a blouse that the client really loved…but it had a stain that couldn’t be removed…so obviously…she wasn’t wearing it…but couldn’t part with it…as it was one of her favorites… so i say…”why don’t you dye it?” the client was pretty […]

client praise: starting to date…

i recently worked with a gentleman who was diving back into the dating world…when i received his final check – i was amused by his thank you card…an illustration of how he feels… and this is why i do what i do…and love what i do…nothing better than helping someone feel confident…in whatever they are […]

what it is like to work with me…

recently i have had a slew of new clients…which i love!  women (and 1 gentleman) who all decided it was time to make the phone call to me…set up the appointment…and get started…what they each told me in their own way…was the time it took them…the “talk” they had to give themselves…before making that final […]