rev up your shoe choices this christmas season…

when it comes to shoes…sometimes…the shoe alone can make the outfit…wearing all black…or all ivory…pick any neutral…and spicing up the outfit with some colorful shoes…well…a whole new way of looking at creating outfits… the christmas season is a time to step out of the box a bit…after all…it is a festive time…so here are some […]

bring the brooches out…

the uses for brooches are vast…i tell you…vast…whether you peruse through your grandmothers jewelry box…or hunt some down at the local thrift store…what a fun way to update any old blazer or sweater… but don’t stop there…the more the better…how about trying for a cluster of brooches?  mix and match 3 different ones and create […]

holiday tops…

it is that time of year…the hustle and bustle of the season…and along with it…invitations to parties…while the parties are fun…sometimes the anxiety of what to wear…can almost make us not want to attend…but your attire should never be the reason to rsvp “no” to any party… this week…i thought i would show different items […]

plush velvet…

the look of richness…sensual…and luminous…and while most think of velvet in black…velvet in color is quite stunning…it is a piece that could truly enhance your wardrobe…and the ideas?  well…they are limitless…whether you opt for a good tailored velvet blazer…which…by the way…can be worn with jeans and a t-shirt…and look well put together…or go all out […]