is the iron lady on to something?

i read an interesting article this morning…that a fellow image consultant had posted on facebook…entitled “lessons from the iron lady” written by vivia chen in the careerist… the article spoke of margaret thatchers “uniform” and what about it worked…how wearing a skirt vs a pant may help you in how you are perceived in the […]

styling in the kitchen…

check out the lovely i received under my christmas tree this last year…i have to say…i have been feeling very stylish in the kitchen as of late…and it has to do with my new apron… i had been looking for months…yes months…to find the “right” apron…that would go with my kitchen…but more then that…that would […]

shopping for that difficult item…

do you have that one thing (or two or three) that you absolutely hate shopping for? it’s not that you hate the item…but the torture of going through the exercise of finding the right one… for me…that item is jeans…i’ve always had a hard time finding jeans that fit right…so for this example…i will use […]

client praise: why i love what i do…

so at the end of last year…my girlfriend was having a family dinner…i’m thinking it was thanksgiving…but not sure…her family during dinner…decided to go around the table and say something that they were wanting for the new year…when it got to her brother…he mentioned that he would like to start dating… so my girlfriend…being the […]

the long and the short of it…

it cracks me up when i suggest to a friend or client…when shopping…that a skirt might look better if it was longer or shorter…depending on the skirt and person of course…and then i walk over and show them…by adjusting the length on the skirt a bit…and the person is amazed at the difference… alterations to […]