how to nourish a loving attitude towards yourself…

we as women…wear many hats…we are mothers, wives, sisters, daughters & friends…and we sometimes…if not to often…put ourselves last on the list…and when it comes to our wardrobe…we settle for whatever is the closest item to us…or even…what we wore yesterday… now while this isn’t everyone’s situation…i have spoken to countless women who think of […]

you are worth it…

i was reading an interesting article yesterday that i spotted on twitter…written by dr. phil…with the topic being about the key to losing weight…and accomplishing almost anything…what struck me most about the article was the affect that our thoughts & words have on us… here is the link to the full article…from the huffington post… […]

color inspiration: blushing pink…

while we will be seeing pretty much every color of pink this season…this one made me fall in love…i want…i need…i yearn for something in this color…a nice blazer jacket? colored jeans? shoes? not sure…but it will be in my wardrobe…and soon… will you be adding something pink to your wardrobe? photo source – pinterest

get out of the habit…

we as women…so many times…put ourselves on the back burner when it comes to taking care of ourselves…we think of ourselves…after the kids…the spouse…the job…and everything else…but the only way you can be the best “you” is by taking some time out for yourself…it is essential not only for yourself…but for giving the best of […]