reasons to be thankful…

i don’t know about you…but i love this time of year…just finishing up celebrating my birthday month…and now going in to thanksgiving…but beyond all the celebrations…and yummy turkey…i love this time of year…because it puts a focus on gratitude… today of all days…is a great time to take the focus off our “stuff”…and really think […]

feeling stuck in a black & white world…

i’m not quite sure when it happened…perhaps it was when i started working crazy hours…or maybe it was the realization that i had in fact…gained some weight back…have you ever had that feeling?  black just seemed easy…or perhaps life got in the way…whatever the reason…i noticed it when i got hooked on instagram… as a wardrobe […]

jumpsuits…then and now…

to say my love for jumpsuits just started…well…that would be untrue…while hanging out with my girlfriend a while back…we somehow got on the subject of jumpsuits…and that i now have three of them…and absolutely love wearing them… my girlfriend started talking about one that i had back in the 80’s…and of course…i knew exactly which […]