so just last nite…i woke up in the middle of the nite…3:13 a.m…to be exact…and thought…we have this incredible color group for spring 2010 called metropolitan ambitions…and how appropiate with it being february…the month that holds valentine’s day…to have a color group filled with red…
so…in honor of valentine’s day…i say…treat yourself to something red from the collection and save 10%! what a deal…no?
if you want to see fancy pics…with real models…click on the link above or go to to view parts of the collection…in between appointments today…i started snapping pics of different items in red…take a peak…and see if something red hits your fancy…if you are able to come by…i highly recommend it…as there is a lot more red to be seen…as well as the other beautiful color groups…and if you are not able…but see something that you just “have to have” =) email me…
knit combo red blouse
billboard stripe pant
I love them all especially the Red Italian Lamb Leather Jacket! Fabulous! Red is one of my favorite colors!!
yes…there is a nice selection of red in the collection…so many choices =)