it still amazes me how many people do not have a full length mirror in their home…it is not about vanity…it is about looking your best…and i’m sorry…but the mirror above the bathroom sink…or above your dresser just doesn’t cut it…
so why the need you ask?
the first step in developing a strong personal and/or professional presence is to train your eye to recognize the style elements most flattering to your particular figure and lifestyle…a full-length mirror hung in or near your closet is a great strategy…
so the tip for today…would be…”hang a full-length mirror inside your closet door…you’ll learn to understand your wardrobe and really see what works best”
if you already have a full-length mirror…make a commitment to use it to help you part with clothes that don’t make you feel or look your personal best…it’s also a great tool for getting out the door in a hurry without over-looking elements in your outfits that should be attended to before showing up for work…an important meeting…or a social occasion…
if you don’t have a full-length mirror…make it a priority to pick one up…you can buy one at a store or have a glass company come to your house…measure the space where you want to hang a mirror…then come back and install one to your exact measurements…neither of these two options has to be an expensive proposition…
i have a full-length mirror hanging in my bedroom closet door…as well as a vintage stand alone full-length mirror…which has moved from room to room…this allows you to place it close to the area where you get ready…another option is buying a full-length mirror and leaning it against a wall…can be a nice decorative piece that is added to your decor…
so whether you have it out in the open…or hidden inside a closet door…it is an essential tool…trust me…
We didn’t have one for ages and it drove me CRAZY! We now have two. Really, it’s hard to get dressed without one.
OMG — I have 3 mirrors in my bedroom (2 full length) one in my hallway and two in the bathroom (one of which is a close-up). Either I’m vain or I just want to make sure I don’t walk out of the house looking like a goofball. Remember that commercial where the girls skirt is caught in her underwear and she confidently (obliviously) walks out of the elevator in her office building???
i remember a friend who didn’t have one when we were younger…and we would literally stand on top of her bed for final check in the tiny mirror on the wall…and yes…i remember that commercial… =)
case in point…everyone needs at least one…