purging through the decades…

while i am a firm believer in purging before or after a season…for example…spring/summer and fall/winter…there are also other events that might prompt a good purging…as in my case…entering into a new decade in my life…i am finding that although many of the clothes that hang in my closet are beautiful…and in great condition…they just don’t seem right anymore in this period of my life…

has that happened to you? it may not even be a new decade…it could be a lifestyle change…perhaps you are no longer working in a corporate environment…and your work from home attire does not require all those business suits…

for me however…it was specifically entering into a new decade…i noticed that there were a lot of pieces that just hung beautifully in my closet…but never saw the light of day…

the reasons were plentiful…

– some of the dresses and/or skirts were just shorter then what i feel comfortable in now…

– some of the jackets didn’t fit quite the way they used to…

– some of the shoes were just way higher then i would want them to be…

– some of the colors just didn’t resonate with me anymore…

– some of the items didn’t give me that “feel good” feeling…

meanwhile…my closet was packed…so i started on that step by step process that i go through with my clients…and asked myself all the same questions i ask my clients…

and i realized that many of the clothing pieces needed to go…not because they didn’t fit…(and that is a whole different blog post)…but because they just didn’t fit my current style…nor ever would again…now mind you…i’m not done…but baby steps are being taken…as i look through the many items…and make the decision…should they stay or should they go…

lucky for me…i’ve got an online consignment boutique ready to take them in…where they will find a new home…perfect for the right owner…

have you been thinking you need a good purge?

1decades(photo source)