color inspiration: a mixed bouquet…

sometimes i think my blog should be all about color…since i tend to gravitate to that subject…i just love finding pics of different color combinations that inspire me to create new outfits…

some of my clients have a hard time putting together colors…i always advise them to look at things that make them happy…whether it be a floral arrangement…a pic of a nicely put together room…what are the colors that are speaking to you? put them together in an outfit!

this pic…obviously i loved the beautiful colors in the floral arrangement…but what stood out to me was the beautiful shade of blue…i thought it helped enhance the colors from the flowers…

how lovely would it be to pair a light colored pastel colored jean or blue skirt…with a vibrant floral top? or possibly…a fun colored pair of flats…with a light blue shirtdress? seriously…so many combinations to dream up…

how would you put these colors together?

bouquet photo source – pinterest