what is it about a new year that has many reflecting on where they are…where they want to be…and what they need to do to get there? while i’m really not one for new year’s resolutions…i do believe in reflection…thinking about what we like…what we don’t…and for the things we don’t…to really think about if there is something that can be done to change that…

when it comes to fashion…i am a big believer in constantly evolving…to have a wardrobe that matches your current lifestyle…and to have a wardrobe that works for you now…what does that mean? well to start…having the items in your closet be the ones you are wearing…having items that fit you now…having items that you can’t wait to wear…the opposite? standing in front of your closet and hearing yourself say…”i have nothing to wear…”
but that can be fixed…
while i have some clients that have hired me to do a full on makeover…i believe that for most…small changes can make a big difference…so i thought i would list small changes that you can start doing to create a newer version of you…
- change the color…when it comes to wearing your neutrals…let’s say you always wear black…perhaps a tiny change could make a huge difference…always wearing black? try out a brown or a classic blue (the current 2020 color of the year…) or…if you are one who doesn’t wear color…how about trying to wear a bit more color? it could be in an accessory…or if you are more daring…try a fun bold color in a jacket…
- change your hair…this could be a slight change in color…adding highlights…or a full blown cut…but even the smallest changes could made a big difference…change the part…i was bored with my hair…but i wasn’t ready to cut it…so i took the plunge and got bangs…big enough change for me…without really changing much…

- try a new lipstick or nail color…not really much to add here…it’s an easy change…and one that won’t be permanent…right?
- shop your closet…this is one i preach constantly…but honestly…you walk in your closet…and look at your items…figure out new ways to wear them…and if you need help…get it! hire a stylist…or ask a stylish friend to help you…your clothing will take on a new life…you will feel refreshed with a “new & updated” wardrobe…
- step out of your comfort zone…sometimes we get in our heads…focus on a flaw…or our size…or our height…or our (fill in the blank…) this year, how about embracing our flaws…( personally i don’t even like using that word) lets say embracing the things that make us our own unique self…try a new trend…try a new color…try a new shoe style…try wearing a skirt instead of pants…try belting an outfit…are you getting the idea? so many options in changing little things that will make you feel like you hit a refresh…
so what change are you ready to make? will it be a big one or a little one…neither one is wrong…it is completely dependent on where you are in life…but…that being said…i would love to hear what you will be changing…let’s encourage each other to be the best versions of ourselves…
till next time…stay stylish!