
two important elements in dressing…fit & personal style…you really can’t do one without the other…you can know your personal style…and buy clothes that don’t fit…and the end result is not right…in the same way…you can buy clothes that fit…that have nothing to do with your personal style…and you look…well…you don’t look like you…

beware the seduction of new clothes…all clothes are appealing when they do not belong to you…it is the possiblity of something new that could turn you into a new person that is so seductive…not the garment itself…

similarly…being surrounded by brightly colored or a particular style of clothes may make your classic black outfit seem instantly drab…and even unfashionable…rather than immediately buying that pair of hot pink hipsters…walk out onto the street…or into a store with plenty of black in it…and see if you still feel dowdy…

my point is…shop in stores that are your style…i have nothing against hot pink hipsters…but if your personal style is “classic”…shop in a store that carries elegant classic pieces…not in a store that tempts you with the promise of re-inventing yourself…be strong…

and another thing…don’t be fooled into buying that piece that everyone is going to be wearing…quoted by some sales girl…just because everyone else is buying that must-have item…you don’t have to…sales assistants will tell you it has been flying out the door…that they only have one left in your size…blah blah blah…don’t believe them…

that said…if you find a truly superb outfit…that fits you like a glove…is a little expensive but not absurdly so…buy it!

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  1. Wise words indeed! It’s fun to step outside of ourselves once in a while and stretch the personality of our wardrobes a bit, but it’s risky territory. At the end of the day we like what we like and that makes the difference between what makes it out into the world and what stays in the closet!

    Happy New Year lovely! I’ve missed you, I have to get back into my routine and come ‘visit’ more regularly! ♥

  2. thank you denise! risky territory indeed! not only does it stay in the closet…but if it does venture out…but the person feels uncomfortable…or not themselves…that shows as well…evry piece one wears should make them feel fabulous!
    happy new year to you! hope your holidays were lovely…i have missed you too! i got a bit off routine as well in not reading all my favorite blogs…takes discipline…no?

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