and the blog award goes to…

me?? awww… fabulous karen over at bobbins and bombshells awarded me with my very first blog award…i actually had a choice to choose between two award logos…the sunshine award or…hello…bogart? you know which one i’m pickin!

you’re going places, baby!

so…needless to say…i’m so excited to accept this…my first award…i would like to thank…haha…no…i do not have a speech prepared…this award is an honor though…because it was given to those blogs that inspire…and that to me…is pretty fabulous!

so…here are the instructions…in receiving this award…

post the logo within your post & on your blog…

pass the award on to 10 bloggers that inspire you in that post with links…

of course, let them know…

and don’t forget to link back to who you received the award from…oh, that would be me…

my fabulous 10 are…..(in no particular order)

40 is the new fabulous
the swelle life
of a certain age
lola b’s one girl talks
fashionable interiors
a la parisienne
princess dominique
the city sage
what the fog?

congratulations fabulous bloggers…keep inspiring…


  1. Thank you so much for considering my blog to be an inspiring place to visit. I am honored that out of all of the thousands of blogs out there you chose mine as one of your ten to receive an award!

    Congratulations on your first blog award! I am sure that this is just the first of many to come!

  2. Oh, thank you love!!! And congratulations to you! I also think this is the first of many to come!

    You inspire me, too, Elena. You are a bright, twinkling star in this blog universe of ours!

    Denise ♥♥♥

  3. I am more than honored to be in such great company. And your blog is FAB-U-LOUS, you deserved your award!
    Thanks again Elena 🙂

  4. Thank you so much! I’m truly honored. Thank you for thinking my blog is inspiring. More importantly, congratulations to your big win as well. You and your blog are truly inspirational and a source of positive energy. XO! Jen

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