why aren’t you wearing it?

just like your lawn needs a good manicure every once in a while…the same goes for your closet…one of the hardest things is to let go of the items that just hang there…year after year…and never get worn…the question to ask yourself…is simple…”why aren’t you wearing it?” every item that is not worn…has a reason […]

before you pack away your summer things…

as a child…summer was obviously over when school started…of course…that was always after labor day weekend…is it me? or does it seem like school is starting sooner and sooner…so in my mind…it is still summer…but my facebook newsfeed is full of parents posting their child’s “first day of school” pics… guess summer is coming to […]

14 signs your wardrobe is in great shape…

have you ever rated your wardrobe?  from a scale of 1 to 10…10 being best…is your wardrobe complete?  what does having a wardrobe in great shape even mean?  this is an excerpt from my july newsletter…thought i would share it on the blog as well… photo source – pinterest well…here are 14 signs that your […]

give a suit…change a life…

the men’s wearhouse is having their national suit drive the whole month of july…for those of you that get my newsletter…you already know what a great opportunity this is to give back…so how does it work? “You can help someone transform his life. Just bring any gently used professional clothing to any Men’s Wearhouse location. […]

does my closet match my life?

i am a big believer of a wardrobe that supports a lifestyle…while clothing should seamlessly fit into your current lifestyle though…i think that it can also serve as a motivator to go after the lifestyle you desire…that is…if you are truly pursuing this new lifestyle… so…what do i mean about having a closet match your […]