how to nourish a loving attitude towards yourself…

we as women…wear many hats…we are mothers, wives, sisters, daughters & friends…and we sometimes…if not to often…put ourselves last on the list…and when it comes to our wardrobe…we settle for whatever is the closest item to us…or even…what we wore yesterday… now while this isn’t everyone’s situation…i have spoken to countless women who think of […]

black & white…white & black…

whatever way you look at it…let’s face it…it is a great combo…black & white…white & black… if you ever want a simple easy way to look put together in an instant…pair together your black & whites…it works for casual…date nite…the office…or an elegant dinner… need some more convincing? check out my favorite outfits in my […]

treasure hunting for spring…

while it seems that we, here in the bay area…never had anything remotely close to a winter season…spring is definitely here! have you started thinking about your wardrobe? if you’ve been to the mall…you will see that spring is in full bloom… so while the fashion industry would love for you to go out and […]

you are worth it…

i was reading an interesting article yesterday that i spotted on twitter…written by dr. phil…with the topic being about the key to losing weight…and accomplishing almost anything…what struck me most about the article was the affect that our thoughts & words have on us… here is the link to the full article…from the huffington post… […]

easter outfit ideas…

as a little girl growing up…i remember every easter…i would get a new dress…usually very frilly in style…and a new pair of white patent leather shoes…and white little gloves… so here we are with easter weekend approaching…whether you are heading to your parents…or sunday brunch…it is easter…and while easter is usually associated with pretty pastels…there […]