green with envy…

so are you one that goes all out for st. patricks day? do you wear a hint of it? or do you boycott green altogether? today is the day that green is the color of choice… now…being that green is one of my favorite colors…I have many choices in my closet to choose from…but I […]

the colors of spring 2015…

spring is almost here…can you feel it in the air? while i will be spending the next few weeks updating you on all the spring trends…and ideas on how to wear them…i feel we should start with the colors…the colors of spring 2015… are there one or two that stick out for you? is there […]

what your clothing colors say about you…

do you think about the colors you wear? when it comes to something important…such as a job interview…think twice about the colors you wear… do you want to appear cheerful?  approachable?  genuine? sophisticated? colors give off messages subliminally…as well as eliciting different emotions…click here for a nice handy pic to help you see what messages […]

don’t burp in the board room…

yep…i smile every time i see that title…written by a sweetheart of a woman…who i know personally…she is truly the etiquette queen… i was proud & honored to be at her first book signing of “don’t burp in the board room” a few weeks ago…picked up my copy…and needed to share all about this book…be […]

what is your personal style?

have you ever wondered what your personal style is?  have you ever cared to know?  whether you have placed a name to your style…or not…our clothing truly does speak a language…and it lets the world know who we are…and sometimes…that language may not be what we want to be perceived as…you need to ask yourself […]