what is your personal style?

have you ever wondered what your personal style is?  have you ever cared to know?  whether you have placed a name to your style…or not…our clothing truly does speak a language…and it lets the world know who we are…and sometimes…that language may not be what we want to be perceived as…you need to ask yourself what kind of image you want to project and what makes you feel the most confident…this will help you find your own personal style…

i had participated in a very interesting exercise at a conference a few years back…all attendees were given a sealed envelope…which when opened had several little pieces of paper with phrases…some were comical…some were serious…some were in between…

here are some examples:

i only wear white underwear…

shoes are the most important part of my outfit…

i laugh a lot…

color is very important to me…

i don’t like to stand out…

i want everyone to notice me when i walk into a room…

we were instructed to choose 2 out of the 5 in our envelope that best described us…

the next exercise – the instructor had us line up in two long lines…and the person standing opposite us – we were to go to a table that had more of these descriptions…and pick two that matched this person…once we found those…we were to give them to that person…

this went on a few more times…where we were shuffled and a new person was picked…and we repeated the exercise of finding descriptions that matched this person…

most of the people in the room did not know each other…and at the end…it was interesting to see how people reacted to the descriptions that were given to them…obviously it was solely based on the outward appearance of each person…some were happy…some were not…some were surprised…

what it revealed in a fun way…is how you are perceived…when i work with my clients…i am always talking about personal style…it isn’t what is trending…what is the latest color…but what is right for that particular client…their life style…and what message they would like to convey…

so do you know what personal style you are?  the thing is…you may fit into two or three different categories…and that is okay…the goal of having your own personal style is creating one that is completely and 100% you!

i often will have friends say…that is SO you…because my personal style is very unique to me…

this morning on my facebook page…i asked the following question…

when it comes to your style personality…which best describes you?
a. romantic
b. preppy chic
c. edgy chic
d. classic
e. less is more
f. (insert) your own word

which category do you fall in?  what “words” best describe your style?  what would you like your style to say about you?

these are the questions to ask yourself…to get started on figuring out what your personal style is…

need some inspiration?  take a look at my different pinterest boards for some ideas…

and here is a fun little quiz to take…just 5 questions…“what’s your clothing personality?”  

i got “eclectic”  – no surprise there!  would love to hear what yours was…please share in the comments below…

if you need help – i can help!  how about we figure out your personal style together?

photo source – pinterest