escada love…

after running several errands this morning…i drove back home…and as i entered my driveway…my heart skipped a beat…well…several…because there on my porch was a package…and i knew…that it was from shrimpton couture…les sigh…

it has been quite a while since i’ve made any purchases…let alone a vintage piece…and…when it comes to vintage…i gravitate to the 40’s, 50’s & 60’s…but then i saw this number from the 80’s…and well…i just had to have it…

i was SO nervous to open up my package…don’t ask me why…i think it might have been more excitement of something new…well…something new to me…but vintage…well…when i pulled it out of the box…i gasped…the picture does not do it justice…and the adorable pom poms? how fabulous! i seriously want to wear this now…but…i think it will have to wait for the right moment…