men’s corner: braid it…

besides the fact that a woven or braided belt adds that additional “texture” to an outfit…it is a fun way to update an otherwise casual outfit…braided-leather belts are always in style…giving an outfit some rugged authenticity…and a fabulous casual attitude…

when thinking of the right color…don’t worry about needing to match the color of the leather to your shoes…in fact…for a real “pop”…contrast the color of the belt with the color of your pants…meaning…light-color belt with dark jeans and vice versa…

and the best part? no matter what size you are…meaning if you’ve gone up or down a bit in your waistline…they are great in that they don’t require holes…you just poke the tongue through the braid anywhere and there you are…cinched up exactly where you want to be…

prada braided leather belt
neiman marcus