shopping 101…

ahhh…shopping…some love it…and some don’t…whatever category you fall under…if you find yourself brnging home clothes you never wear…here are a few pointers…

– shop for who you are now…not who you will be five to ten pounds from now…

– buy something because it looks great on you…not because it looks great on a fashion model in a glossy spread…

– let your own legs (and body type) determine how long or how short your hem should be…

– sizes are relative…buy what size you are…not what size you thought you were…or what size you hope to be…(refer back to point one)

– before you buy…check yourself in the mirror in as many positions as you can…especially sitting down…

– put things on hold if you need more time…if you’re going to a series of stores…maybe you’ll come across something later that works better…thinking things over reduces the chances that you’ll buy on impulse…

– beware of sales if you’re prone to impulse buying…before you go out…reassess what you have and make a list of what you need…then try to stick to it…

– avoid pushy salespeople…and beware of those who flatter you too much…when you find a salesperson who speaks your language…stick with him or her…

and if all this just seems a bit overwhelming…seriously consider a wardrobe stylist…it just may save you alot of money…

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