green & yellow…

my closest friends would say that my favorite color is green…it is usually what i gravitate towards…the truth is…i gravitate towards color…the brighter…the better…in the past…my favorite green combination was always…green & pink…made me think of spring…

but lately…i’ve been seeing a lot of green & yellow combinations…and i have to say…it is really getting my attention…now…if you are like me…and can’t wear a certain color…especially around your face…there are ways of working in color that you love…but can’t wear…

for me that color would be yellow…not the best choice for me…washes me out…so…how i would fix that problem? perhaps finding a colored pair of pastel yellow jeans…emphasis on the pastel…because i’m not needing bright yellow attention on my back side… =) just saying…or perhaps a pair of green & yellow espadrilles?

i like this combination of green dress & yellow jacket…but for me…i would flip it…and wear the green closer to my face…or on the outside…don’t discount a color or trend that you gravitate to…but think of ways of incorporating it in…but in subtle ways…


this nice yellow handbag with green embellishments is pretty fabulous…no? whatever your poison…look at pictures for inspiration…for color ideas…and then start working it in your wardrobe…baby steps…


if green & yellow doesn’t do it for you…pick a combination that does…orange & pink…green & blue…the options are limitless…but so fun to create…what would your winning color combination be? and how would you work it into your wardrobe?

photos scanned by moi – elle magazine february issue