fun color combinations for spring & summer…

aahhh spring…one has only to look at the lovely flowers springing up to get fully inspired to add some fun color to the spring/summer wardrobe…while it is quite easy to grab our basic blacks, browns & navy…how about incorporating some fun color combinations as well? how can it not make you smile?

so whether you lean more towards pastels…or brights…this season…color is in full force…and there is literally a color for everyone…here are some fun color combinations to get you started…need more inspiration?  click here to see my personal pinterest color combinations board…and for even more inspiration…a wonderful blog post by “who what wear”…showing “11 chic color combinations to wear this spring”

feel free to share your favorite color combination in the comments section…inspire others!

1color2photo source – pinterest

1color5photo source – pinterest

1color4photo source – pinterest