packing for vienna & the lone necklace…

one of my recent new clients (who i already adore)…told me a fabulous story…it all started with our first appointment…she was referred to me by another client (did you know i love referrals? =) hint hint)…but i digress…our first appointment was helping her pack for a trip to vienna…her husband was going there on a business trip…and he was taking her…BUT…she could only take one suitcase…in her eyes…one tiny little suitcase…so she called me to help her plan her wardrobe…the wardrobe that would fit into this tiny little suitcase…

no problem…

since this was our first appointment…i had no idea what she had in her closet…but i knew i was up for the challenge…so i arrived and quickly perused her closet…i asked her what her trip would consist of…dinners, sight seeing etc…and got to work…

while i started pulling outfits together…she was surprised at how many options she had…in her words “i can’t believe how many choices i have with so little clothing”…for me…it was all about fitting it into the suitcase (which i knew we would) but allowing her to feel like she wasn’t going to be wearing the same outfits…over and over…

as we were finishing up…i took a look at her beautiful baubles…and instantly one necklace caught my eye…a necklace that would work wonderfully with at least 3 of the outfits…i picked it up…and she looked at me in shock…

this necklace had a background story…it was given to her as a gift…by a family friend…and she had never worn it…because she felt she had nothing to wear it with…

needless to say…she was estatic…and then she said something that just warmed my heart…”i can’t wait to take a picture of me wearing this necklace and be able to send the picture to our family friend…”

awww…how sweet is that? that was the highlight of the appointment…

so what was accomplished?

client is thrilled with her wardrobe outfits…
client is thrilled that she is finally able to wear the lone necklace…
husband is thrilled that the wifey is only taking one suitcase…
and i am thrilled that one more client is happy…my job is complete…

photo credit