54 years…

today’s post is dedicated to the two most important people in my life…my mamacita & papacito…i am very blessed to still have the both of them in my life…and today…they are celebrating 54 years together…this is one of my most favorite pictures of them on their wedding day…

this day was full of so much hopes & dreams…as they knew they would be venturing out and immigrating to the u.s. from argentina…their hope was that one day…with children they hoped to one day have…they would be able to offer those children a better way of life…

they succeeded…it wasn’t easy…as they came not knowing the language…my dad worked 2 to 3 jobs at a time…and my mom…well…she did what she knew best…she was a seamstress…and i guess that is the connection with this fashion blog…i know that my love of fashion started with my mamacita…

growing up…she made all her clothes and mine…and the amazing thing for me…as i look back on all the family pictures…was how unique and different each dress was…i always tease her now and say she should go back to making me dresses…and she reminds me…that at that time…my dresses were all made from scraps of fabrics she had left over…and that now…she would need much more fabric…and it would just be easier for me to buy it…on a side note…i am still amazed at how tiny my mom’s waist is…les sigh…

thank you both for loving me…and sacrificing so much for our family…

happy anniversary to my mamacita & papacito…cheers to 54 years…and many many more!

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