reasons to be thankful…

i don’t know about you…but i love this time of year…just finishing up celebrating my birthday month…and now going in to thanksgiving…but beyond all the celebrations…and yummy turkey…i love this time of year…because it puts a focus on gratitude…

today of all days…is a great time to take the focus off our “stuff”…and really think about what we are thankful for…the thing is…it is easy to focus on the stuff that isn’t going right…or wishing that circumstances were different…but even in those times…finding things to be thankful for…can change your perspective…huge!

so in those times…what to be thankful for? many times it is the things that we just don’t think about…the fact that we can see and hear…the fact that we can walk and talk…that we had a meal…all those things that we sometimes take for granted…or just don’t think about…there is always something to be thankful for…and when we start living in a place of gratitude…while our circumstances may not change…our thoughts will…

gratitude should not only be on thanksgiving day…every day i pray for eyes to see all the good in this world…in my world…to living in thanksgiving every day…

for me…it is first and foremost…my family & friends…i am surrounded by wonderful people that i love…and who i know love me…and my furry little love bug…sasha…my one eyed monster…who cuddles with me…no matter the day…


to my clients…thank you for allowing me to enter into your closets…your lives…and for trusting me to navigate your wardrobe to match the beautiful beings that you are…

to my consignment shoppers…thank you for shopping with me…while i know there are so many options out there…you continue to check into the site…to see what we offer…and shop…

to my readers…here on the newsletter…or on my blog…thank you for continually reading…and allowing me to write…and for trusting me with your fashion questions…

all the channels that i have tried to make available to you…your comments, emails, likes and encouragement mean the world to me…thank you for allowing me to do what i love…which is to encourage both men & women to find their own personal style that works into every area of their life…

this time of year i truly reflect on all that i have been given & blessed with…and one of those things is my business…and my business would not exist without all of you…and i am thrilled to have shared it with all of you…

wishing you & yours a most wonderful thanksgiving!



  1. Warning: Undefined variable $img in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/baw-gravatar-google-image/bawggi.php on line 360
    Kimber says:

    What a lovely and reflective post! Be blessed Elena !
    ? Kimber

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