elena’s 2020 nordstrom anniversary sale picks for women…

boy how time flies! last year…the day before the anniversary sale…i slipped and fell walking into nordstrom…a broken knee cap later…i was best friends with my sofa for the next 3 months…in between doctor visits…and physical therapy…i survived…but missed the whole sale… fast forward to 2020…what the heck? this pandemic! i haven’t really been working…and […]

the september issue 2017…

aahhhh september…how i love thee…when it comes to fashion…this IS my favorite time of year…in fashion…this IS our january…the september issue…all the fall fashion is bursting from the pages of these glossy magazines… so take a look at my reading material…it’s a lot…and truth be told…i’be been perusing fall fashion for quite some time now…but […]