the september issue 2017…

aahhhh september…how i love thee…when it comes to fashion…this IS my favorite time of year…in fashion…this IS our january…the september issue…all the fall fashion is bursting from the pages of these glossy magazines…

so take a look at my reading material…it’s a lot…and truth be told…i’be been perusing fall fashion for quite some time now…but this is the month where it really comes to fruition…

among these pages lie the beauty that is fall fashion…all the colors, trends and textures that are sure to be seen in the stores…are you ready for fall? because it is right around the corner!

now…back to the september issue…all 13 of them…let me tell you…some of these are HUGE!! like 800+ pages…heavy heavy heavy…so yes…this month my sweet post lady ALWAYS gets a special thank you gift from me…i mean she has to lug these to my mailbox…no easy feat! but she does so…and always with a smile on her face…

now i understand most will not have 13 september issue magazines delivered to their home…or buy that many…but it is my profession…so while we are still in summer…all be it the end…stay tuned…as i will start posting what is in for fall…and how to incorporate certain trends into your existing wardrobe…

thanks for reading…

till next time…stay stylish!