shopping in houston…

i am heading out to lovely houston, texas tomorrow morning…i will be performing a full closet re-vamp…and lots of shopping…my client told me today that he is nervous…i wonder why? this is going to be nothing but fun…

of course…as in any place i go…there is always room for a little bit of shopping for myself…i mean…it only makes sense…and i know some wonder…since my job consists of shopping…why oh why would i then want to do that in my free time? but shopping for and with clients…is a whole lot different then shopping for myself…and the two…i do not mix =)

and although houston isn’t some far away place…i still want to find those tiny boutiques…that only locals know about…and of course…i have to squeeze in some vintage shopping…but i’ve been having a hard time narrowing down my list…since…like i mentioned before…this is a “work” trip…not a fun trip…and i won’t have a whole lot of time…

so…if any of my readers know of some great places for me to check out…please let me know in the comment section…otherwise…i guess i am on my own…