first day of fall…

while it is a little bit hard to think that we are now at the first day of fall…being that in my neck of the woods…we have been experiencing some of the best “summer” weather ever…today…during my lovely hike…at 10:30am…i think it was somewhere in the neighborhood of a lovely 89 degrees…

so while i welcome the first day of fall…thinking about fall fashion…although it is my favorite…is a bit hard…just yet…but just as much as i love seeing the different colors of leaves that truly let you know that fall is here…there are pieces…that soon…i hope…i will be ready to start wearing…

so what am i most wanting to bring out? getting out the cozy sweaters…fur…and boots…plaids…fur…fall colors…did i mention fur? i love the colors of fall…oranges, rust…greens…think of fall leaves…those vibrant colors…

but until i notice that fall crispness in the air…i’ll hold on to my summer wear…just a little bit longer…

what are you most longing to wear for fall?

photo source