introducing…why don’t you…

when it comes to fashion…my brain never shuts off…i may be with a friend…or client…and i see an item…and immediately will start spouting off the different scenarios in which said item could be worn…and with what…and where…

while i have tried to tame it at times…sometimes i’m given the green light to continue…case in point…i was shopping with a girlfriend in a lovely consignment store…she picked up a cute skirt…and i urged her to try it on…while she came out of he fitting room…she says…”i wouldn’t even know what to wear with it”…to which i replied…well…with several combinations…many with items of which she owned…

while she was paying for the item…the sales girl looks at me and says…”you need to work here…you really know your stuff!”

i laughed and told her what i did for a living…which turned into a whole conversation of how she got so many ideas from me…that she wouldn’t have thought of…and told me to never stop doing what i was doing…

and all that brings me to the point of this post…i figured i would start a new category titled “why don’t you…”

so randomly…i will be posting blog posts on different “small” changes you could try…to change up your wardrobe…your style…your look…

many of my clients at the beginning are scared to try something new…but with baby steps…they slowly step out…and realize that these small changes make a huge difference…

so i hope to inspire you…some “why don’t you” posts you may try…and some not…it is all up to you…

but like this fabulous phrase says…”don’t be afraid to fail…be afraid not to try…”

photo source – unknown