july 10th, 2019 started off as every other day…rushing through the morning…so many things on my to-do list…wondering what i could possibly get done off of it that day…i was meeting a friend & colleague for our quarterly lunch…which i always looked forward to…but i knew it would take up a good portion of the day…so i knew i would be working late into the evening…AND…it was the eve before the big nordstrom anniversary sale…and i knew i would be busy shopping for clients for the next few weeks…non stop…
but i had enough time to snap a selfie…

later that morning… everything changed…walking into nordstrom – our regular lunch spot…one minute i was walking…then next…i was on the floor…all i knew was that there was pain in my knee…but i thought it was just from the fall…it would pass…
but it didn’t…and hours later i found myself in urgent care…and the xrays revealed…a broken kneecap…i would need to see an ortho surgeon to determine if surgery was needed…

when i finally saw the ortho doc…i had good news…although i had broken my kneecap – the crack went from side to side…completely across my knee…but he felt it would repair itself on its own…but it would require physical therapy 2x a week…i was up for that…no surgery!
my shoes however…may have suffered a more serious end…could they be fixed? would i even want to fix them?

while i am mostly kidding about my shoes…i’m partly serious…because…well…as many of you know…i love my shoes…but bottom line…i am thankful that my injury…serious as it was…could have been a lot worse…but i did not realize the extent of what the time down would mean to me…
so here is what i learned…what i missed…and what touched my heart…
what i learned…one thing was that i was a lot stronger than i gave myself credit for…but i also realized that i had a hard time asking for help…while i loved giving it…it was a whole different beast when those that love you are wanting to help you…miss independent needed others to do things for her…because i couldn’t do it on my own…
i also learned…that no matter how “busy” i thought i was…everything can change in a second…and big surprise…the world didn’t come crashing down…just because i couldn’t get to all the things i thought needed to be done…
now while i love me a good accessory or two…i now had two new accessories that didn’t go with any of my outfits…crutches & a big black brace…truth be told, i had no cute outfits for a good 2 ½ months…nothing fit over the huge brace that kept my knee in place…so I lived in my sweats & t-shirts…and slippers…thank goodness I have really cute slippers and sneaks…because during this 2 ½ months…that was the only cute thing about my outfits…

there were a few times that i had to get dressed…at least look presentable…and i have to say…it was tough…i wasn’t about to rip all my pants to fit over a brace…and let’s be honest…my shoes are always a big part of my outfit…so i needed to get creative…and work around sneaks…

not my best looks…but i had to work with what i had…

what I missed…dressing up…i always tell my clients that clothes have incredible power to give you confidence…to speak for you when you aren’t saying a word…to reflect your mood…your personality…and here i was schlepping in sweats and t-shirts every.single.day…i noticed a big change in my mood…how it affected me emotionally…and how much i truly missed the true art of dressing…
i missed cooking…i missed going out…i missed doing the small things that most days we don’t even think about…
i really missed working…
as busy as i thought I was…my life came to a screeching halt…i couldn’t walk…i couldn’t even wash my own hair…i couldn’t cook…and for sure…I couldn’t work…i literally had to depend on others to help me in every aspect of my life…and what i started realizing was that i needed to slow down…even after my knee would get better…my career consumed me…i felt like it was all i had…and i felt like i constantly had to work on it…and what started as a 5 day week, had turned into a 6 day week…and then i was working 7 days a week…non-stop…my life was so out of balance…and my broken kneecap taught me…that i had to make some HUGE changes…
and then there are some things that didn’t change…as uncomfortable as i was…certain things still had to happen…like getting my mani’s…i at least forfeited my pedi’s…i mean i’m not completely crazy! and my hair…the appointments remained in tact…and although i was uncomfortable to sit in a chair for so long…i made it work…

what touched my heart…
i have the most incredible parents…i’ve always been so thankful for all they have done for me…to live the life i do…but wow…did they come through for me during this time…they literally took over my life…came to visit…cooked for me…watered my yard…checked in on me…they were my life savers…i am forever grateful…
and my dear friends & family…those who came over with coffee…food…washing my hair… the phone calls…the texts…always making sure i was ok and in need of nothing…
i’ve always felt that i had incredible people in my life…but wow…they came through for me when i really needed it…even when i would say i didn’t…they knew…the independent elena was trying to be strong…and i usually didn’t ask for help…they didn’t listen…and sprung into action…
and some of my dear clients…they called…they checked in…it was truly heart warming…
the first week in october…i was finally well enough to go back to work…and one other thing i realized was just how much i love my work…and how much I missed it…oh wait…i think i said that already…but it’s true…i absolutely love what i do…
while i am not completely 100% better…i have gotten rid of those two accessories that i wasn’t to thrilled about…and i graduated from physical therapy…although i still have a few limitations…i know that one day soon i will be completely better…i just need to be patient…and be thankful for this amazing body i have…and dream of the day that i can wear heels again!