men’s corner: put on the shine…

in the midst of my day today…running errands…as i was standing in line…day dreaming…my eyes stopped at a very well dressed man…now before you start the teasing…may i just say…that i’m constantly looking at outfits…whether male or female…but as zz top so eloquently sang…”coz’ every girl’s crazy ’bout a sharp dressed man…”

well…i was “crazy” until i got down to his shoes…they were scuffed…all over the place…ok…maybe not as bad as the pic i’ve chosen below…but close enough…if you are going to go to all the trouble of dressing nicely…well…really it shouldn’t be any trouble…but i digress…once again…at least have your shoes shined & polished…

not only will this enhance the look of your outfit…but it will prolong the life of your shoes…and hello…as much as you think people aren’t looking at your feet…they are…so…whether you are going for a good first impression…or second…um…put on the shine…

photo source