you are worth it…

i was reading an interesting article yesterday that i spotted on twitter…written by dr. phil…with the topic being about the key to losing weight…and accomplishing almost anything…what struck me most about the article was the affect that our thoughts & words have on us…

here is the link to the full article…from the huffington post…

more then just our words…they could have been words that were spoken to us…by a parent…by an ex…whoever…and as much as we think that they didn’t affect us…they did…so we can choose to stay in that place…of feeling not worth it…of not being able to do that “one” thing…that we so want to accomplish…

it really boils down to our own self worth…what we think of ourselves…and getting to a place that we become more than what the voices in our heads say we are…or ought to be…that is one reason why i love the pic below…and its quote…

“maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything…maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place…

truer words never spoken…

so you may be wondering…why is she talking about an article on losing weight in a fashion blog?  well…two reasons that came out of this article…the first being…the women that feel that they can’t take care of their wardrobe until they lose ____ lbs…you can fill in the number…it can fall anywhere for 5 lbs to 55 lbs…it isn’t really the number…what it is about…is not feeling that you are worth taking care of…because of said weight…or again…all those voices in your head…spoken by you…or by others…

the thing is…you are worth it…everyone deserves to feel good in the body that they currently have…and instead of focusing on the features that you don’t like…or feel are wrong in some sort of way…you jeopardize your whole being because of it…

in the article dr. phil states: “Start by adjusting your thinking. You’ve got to abandon all your negative beliefs about yourself and replace them with positive ones. You have to identify and embrace what it is that you are good at, as well as the qualities, traits, and characteristics that make you a worthwhile human being.”

i would add…you have to identify and embrace what it is that is good about your body…and all it does for you…and what makes you…you…

dr. phil also says… “Then you behave your way to success, because once you’ve changed your thoughts and beliefs about yourself, your behavior follows…”

which leads me to my 2nd reason…so no matter where you are in your journey…don’t let your wardrobe stand on the sidelines…you deserve to look good…no matter your size, shape or form…when it comes to your wardrobe…your outside package…you can remain where you are…which is just a constant reminder of that…that you haven’t changed…or you can celebrate each small victory…it will also be the catalyst in helping you move forward with your goals…because when you look good…you feel good…and when you feel good…amazing things start to happen…

photo source – pinterest